Trang chủ News Library Management Software

Library Management Software

05/12/2023 | 254 lượt xem

Library Management Software

Today, with the rapid development of information technology, accessing information has become more convenient. Libraries today are not just traditional repositories; they have evolved to incorporate internet connectivity with their book collections. Thousands of public and private libraries are operated efficiently, demonstrating an ongoing essential need for libraries. A library with hundreds of thousands of books cannot be managed manually using paper records, notes, or a few disconnected networked management software. There is a need for centralized management software that handles book codes, borrower names, borrowing and return times, and more. To address these challenges, our company TiT has developed dedicated library management software called Faceworks. This highly applicable software offers easy management and is widely used in libraries throughout the country.

Features of Library Management Software






  • Reader Information Management
    • Manage reader profiles by authorized staff. Updating, editing, and deleting information is done quickly and accurately.
    • Allow searching for reader profiles and information using various fields, making it easy and quick to find information.
    • Classify readers and manage different reader types, such as students, teachers, and other categories.
  • Library card management
    • The system allows printing and issuing cards to new readers, utilizing barcodes for managing reader cards and services such as borrowing, returning, and extending documents.
    • Supports library staff in quickly renewing reader cards during the service process when the card expires.
  • Borrowing and returning book management
    • Manage the number of books borrowed and returned by library readers.
    • Manage the date, time, and quantity of books borrowed by readers.
    • Manage the maximum and minimum number of books readers are allowed to borrow.
  • Book management
    • Manage book-related information such as book code, title, genre, language, author, translator, publisher, quantity, etc.
    • Manage book details such as damage, loss, missing books, etc.
  • Other utilities and statistics, printing report
    • The system allows the library to conduct statistical analysis and reports on the status of supplementing documents, using additional funding sources quickly and accurately.
    • Supports a list of pre-defined reports according to library business standards like statistics of the library’s document list by type, storage location, language, etc
    • Summarize the total funds of documents in the library.
    • Analyze statistics on the number of borrowed and lost books regularly, reporting by book genre, etc.
    • The system provides tools for the library to design its report templates suitable for the specific characteristics of each library. It allows for quick and easy updating, editing, or deleting of report templates in the system.
  • Benefits of Library Management Software
    • Maximize resource and time savings.
    • Simple interface that is easy to install and use.
    • Centralized management of book codes facilitates easy searching and classification.
    • Manage information, borrowing, and returning of books.
    • Facilitate communication and assist in task handling among staff and shifts.
    • Easily customizable software as work processes change.
    • User permission management to ensure security: User and administrator rights.

Library management software provides invaluable support for library administrators to quickly and accurately manage the existing resources in the library. It also assists leaders in making timely decisions regarding the addition of new resources as well as addressing losses or damages in the library.


TiT’s Faceworks management software can be the most suitable and comprehensive software solution to meet the operational management needs of your library. The software offers numerous features and almost satisfies the most stringent requirements at a very reasonable price under the motto “Where it’s cheap – We are cheaper.” Additionally, the software is user-friendly, easy to use, and highly customizable. Using the software helps save time, ensures that operational processes follow a specific procedure, prevents mistakes and errors, and allows access from anywhere, using any device, meeting the library’s management and task-solving needs most efficiently.






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